Yasmine Dabbous in Washington DC

Amputated from their previous lives, refugees find themselves - to use Albert Camus' example - diverted from their selves. They leave the lands of their ancestors, hoping to find safety in new and unknown destinations. During these strenuous journeys, they cling to the material objects they take with them from their homes.

These foundational objects acquire a larger-than-life practical and conceptual importance. They support survival and livelihood. They defy loss to preserve the refugee's identity and humanity. Remnants of an ancient reality, the objects create critical links between past and future, in an elusive present.

Dans cette exposition se déroulant à la galerie IA&A at Hillyer jusqu’au 26 février, l’artiste Yasmine Dabbous utilise les arts de la fibre et la conception de bijoux pour célébrer ces objets conséquents. Ses matelas miniatures brodés à la main projettent des objets réels saisis par des réfugiés dans douze pays sur quatre continents.

Photo: exhibition view, copyright Annahar.