House of Today, the NGO for local design

Since 2012, the non-profit organisation founded by Cherine Magrabi Tayeb has created a local design ecosystem, always committed to encouraging and developing a sustainable design culture in Lebanon. The NGO focuses on mentoring new talent, and accompanying them while promoting their work through residencies, grants, conferences, etc. 

To mark its tenth anniversary, the NGO is celebrating its progress with a collaboration with the American University of Beirut, recalling that one of its main struggles remains education. Thus, a series of workshops and conferences is organised, entitled "Augmented Autarky".

"The objective, through this long-term partnership, was to move towards something more inclusive, based on education through conferences open to the public and accessible online, serving as an exchange between international designers and Lebanese design students", Anne-France Berthelon, who participated in the creation of the conference series.

House of Today website:

Photo: workshop at the American University of Beirut. Copyrights Carl Halal / L'Orient-le-Jour.